Nintendo Switch Charger Port Repair Service

Tech Device Repair

Nintendo Switch Charger Port Repair Service

We excel in replacing Nintendo Switch USB C charging ports, essential for power and docking station connectivity. Our expert service ensures thorough testing post-replacement to verify system functionality.

We are the leaders of port repairs. We have successfully replaced thousands of charging ports throughout the years and we have been known to produce quality warrantable work.  The Nintendo Switch USB C charging port serves as a power inlet and a communication port for the system and the docking station. 

When the port is broken it can damage to the other circuits it is attached to. It could also cause a system to have a no-power issue even after the port has been replaced successfully. So with that in mind. first, we must replace the port, and then we must test the system for other vitals. 

Your Switch will not charge or power on if the port is physically broken. and you can know it is broken when you see any odd wires, or pins shining imperfectly. 

How much is the charger port repair service? 

Usually, we keep to reduce costs for repairs on a bi-yearly basis, so for current pricing please fill out the start a repair form on our website. However, generally, most ports cost less than a hundred dollars to replace on handheld gaming consoles.  In the rare case that you have motherboard damage, the techs will assess and email you the new estimates.