Xbox One/S/X HDMI Port Repair Service

Tech Device Repair

We specialize in HDMI port replacements for all Xbox One models: Original, One S, and One X. Whether you send us the entire device or just the motherboard, we offer individual and bulk repair options. Troubleshoot HDMI issues like no picture or strange noises with our expert diagnostics. Our repair process involves precise soldering techniques and thorough testing to ensure quality results, backed by our reputation as global leaders in HDMI port replacements.

We are the world leaders in replacements of HDMI ports. In particular, we excel on the Xbox One System. We work on all three models, the Xbox One Original, the One S, and the One X. You can send in the device whole or just the motherboard alone. We also have bulk HDMI replacement options for 10 or more Xbox one systems.

Related Article: Xbox Series X/S HDMI Port Repair Service

To get started with an HDMI replacement. locate and click the start a repair button at the top of this page.

Troubleshooting of a bad HDMI Port:

  1. First, make sure that your system is fully powered on and that you get a white light.
  2. Plug in the HDMI port. No picture?
  3. Wiggle.. do you see differences in the TV screen. then you definitely need a new HDMI port
  4. Does wiggle do nothing? Is port good? Then you might need a motherboard repair.
  5. You can also check the noises the Xbox makes, if there are any strange noises like clicks of an HDD, then you will need the HDD replacement service. Do not confuse the Noises with Fan noises.

If you have failed at any of the above steps. Please fill out a repair ticket and let us know which step it is that your HDMI Port failed on. We will be glad to help you

How do we replace an HDMI Port on an Xbox One?

There are a few steps in the preparation of a replacement of an HDMI Port.

  1. Apply flux to the port area.
  2. Heat up the board to 225.
  3. Add low-melt solder to all pins and legs
  4. Easily remove port
  5. Clean with High solvent. 
  6. Remove extra solder from legs
  7. Remove other replacement port at 250 C
  8. while hot move it to the other HDMI IN Pins
  9. Solder all the pins
  10. Add extra heat to the legs to get a good solid joint through the motherboard hole.

Here is the video of how we replaced the Xbox HDMI port

If these steps seem cumbersome to you, don’t worry they are actually level 9/10 difficulty for an experienced professional. No worries though. we can help you. Check out the video below to see how we do the repair.

Xbox HDMI Repair Blog

Xbox 1s HDMI port replacement

Xbox HDMI port replacement quality is 100% #1 in the world.  We do automatic repairs on these. 

Xbox 1 HDMI Repair. Motherboard damage

We repaired the HDMI port on a damaged HDMI motherboard. There were 2 ripped connection pads, and we were able to solder them to the appropriate signal. The HDMI port replacements by TDR can be manual or semi-automatic. 

The Xbox: 

Working on the motherboard:

Also Read:

1. Xbox Series X/S Repair Service

2 Responses

  1. Hey- no HDMI output from my sons XBoxX… hdmi or motherboard repair I would guess… what’s a quote? Peace

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